Thursday, June 28, 2007

June 28, 2007

Well, well well. It is finally that time. After numerous talks and mock drafts, the 2007 NBA draft is upon us. We know that the first two picks will be, Greg Oden and Kevin Durant, but after that it’s anyone’s guess as how the draft will go. A lot really depends on which trades are made. You have just about everyone on the trading block, from Kevin Garnett, to Jermaine O’Neal to Mike Bibby, and of course Kobe Bryant. If any of these names are moved, the draft will move in a completely different direction, that previous thought. When it’s all said and done, I feel that Kobe will be in a Lakers uniform, and he will have Jermaine O’Neal with him. I don’t know if that will be enough to make Kobe happy, but it will be a start.

In other sporting news, football season is almost here. The NFL has been in the news year-round unfortunately. From Pacman Jones, to Tank Johnson, NFL players have been making the wrong kind of headlines. Some, more like most to all, of these events are the players own wrong doing. But I’m just sick of the way the players get treated after making a mistake. Apparently everyone else not in the NFL is perfect and never make mistakes. Like NFL players are the only people to drive drunk, or have fights at the club. Yes, I know playing in the NFL is a HUGE privilege and they should be grateful, but I think our society has placed them too high up on a pedestal. And this problem isn’t just in the NFL. Everywhere there are stories about “celebrities” and what they are doing. WHO CARES?!?!?!?!?! Why is it news when Paris Hilton gets out of jail? Why is that on Sportscenter?

When Charles Barkley stated that he was not a role model, I was young, anywhere between 8-12. Even at that age though, I agreed with him. I didn’t look up to him, MJ, or any other athlete when making moral choices. Parents need to raise their children, not athletes, actors, actresses or musicians. Nor should the TV. Not to say that sports doesn’t need a little bit of housekeeping itself, but the family structure in general needs help more.

Now that I’ve stepped down off my soapbox (for now), there are reports that the NFL rookie symposium had 100% attendance. That should have been expected with new commissioner Roger Goodell throwing out suspensions like Peyton Manning throws touchdowns. I did not expect that Troy Smith would be engaging Goodell in debate about whether or not the league focuses too much on negative stories. I like that because it’s a sign that Smith is aware of what is going on around him. I just hope that he continues to strive to be one of the success stories, rather than become one of the negative ones.

With the baseball season moving towards the All-Star break, the season has had some surprises. No, I’m not talking about the Yankees not being very good, I’m more so talking about the Brewers leading the Central, the White Sox’s freefall, and how mediocre the NL East is. Also, surprises for this cannot be talked about without mentioning Sammy Sosa. He achieved another milestone, going past the 600 Home Run mark earlier this month. In any other era, that would be an automatic pass into the Hall of Fame. Of course, there has been much speculation that he may not receive first ballot entry. Of course I think that this is ludicrous. The man took a year off, got re-charged and now is back to his old self. The whole steroids issue bugs me anyways. In addition to the extra attention focused on Barry Bonds, I’ve wondered why its always assumed that hitters were the only players using. A power pitcher like Roger Clemens is still playing at the ripe young age of 43 and there isn’t any speculation. I could go play the race card here, which would be very valid, but I will refrain from doing so. However, the fact is that pitchers used just as much as hitters, and all things equal, hitting a baseball is still not easy. I would consider it a travesty if they started to put asterisks by the records these players are achieving. They didn’t put asterisks when the mound was too close or not high enough. So they shouldn’t do it now. I think I’ll stop here before I get all angry and such.

Look for a NBA Draft post later tonight or early tomorrow.

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