Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Day After

So it has taken me a little bit of time to de-compress from last night's drubbing. I could live with a Laker loss. KG, Doc Rivers, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce are all deserving of a championship. But not like that. I would like to applaud the Celtics for continuing to pour it on and not even let the Lakers think about coming back.

However the Lakers didn't show up at all!! It's like they didn't get the memo that they were going back to Boston. Like they expected the game to be easy. I was embrassed to watch the game.

But enough about the losing side. The Celtics won the series with the part of the game that usually wins: defense. I watched some of the best, if not the best, defense played by an NBA team. I used to think that the Spurs were the premiere defensive team in the league. Not anymore. The Celtics played at a level that no one in the league has seen in awhile.

Kudos to the Celtics. They won their 17th title. They did it the hard way, playing more postseason games than any other team in the league's history. Next year, I hope that they continue with this intesity and focus towards repeating. I want them to, to show the same passion. I know its tough, but to me repeating separates the good champions from the great ones. It's easy to be a hunter, but quite the different thing being the hunted. Can the Celtics take on that challenge?

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