Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trying Something New

I completed my first year of teaching in June, and just started teaching summer school this week. I figured that this would as good a time as any to start capturing my thoughts about school, education, and my teaching career in general.

My first year was a whirlwind journey. It was my first year with students (7th graders) and while I was able to use some of the same things I used in my previous teaching stint with adults, where I helped them get their GEDs. However, much of my year was filled with new experiences, some I couldn't even imagine before I started.

There was the death of a student at my school, the removal of my principal, a fight that sent a kid to the hospital with broken ribs, me becoming the head track and field coach and of course the End-of-Grade tests. Through it all, I think I managed to not drown and definitely reach some kids. My kids did well on the tests, and they were rewarded with a party and got to pie me in the face, which they all enjoyed. (Video may be posted later)

What did my first year teach me? It taught me that students just want to be understood. It taught me that instilling confidence in them matters just as much as the information I'm giving them. It also unfortunately taught me that despite your best efforts, some students will have to learn the hard way.

Most importantly, my first year made me want to come back for another. This year affirmed how much I enjoy, no scratch that I love teaching and there are very few feelings like seeing students learn. So with the knowledge that I have tons to learn about the nuisances of teaching I am ready to embark on year two. I can also see how my students from last year perform outside of my classroom.

All in all, I am excited. Summer break is never long enough but the joys of teaching for me has me itching to get back in the classroom and try to reach a new group of children. Until next time, peace.


Anonymous said...

Great work after yr 1; good luck with upcoming year, and look forward to blogs.

Riah said...

Good job very inspirational!!!!

Ordale said...

Perhaps you found your calling brother. It's rare that you find something you actually enjoy, especially something so challenging. Keep up the good work Professor Prince.

Anonymous said...

Well done! Both your blog and your year...keep writing!

Alfons I. Prince said...

Ordale, thank you! I think you're absolutely correct. I do think its my calling and at the very least in my blood. (Both my parents taught and my mom still does)

Thank Riah!! I'm just trying to do my part for the future.

Thanks y'all! I really appreciate it!

dre' of onustees.com said...

Great job, champ! Glad to see you're loving what you do!