Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This NBA off-season has been pretty interesting hasn't it...

Here I thought we'd stop talking about the NBA once we had 'The Decision'. I figured that the LeBron backlash would subside and we would be able to talk about football, which provides us several topics. Nope, not a chance.

Now, reports are that Chris Paul wants out of New Orleans. Even though he has two years left on his contract, he has formulated a list, one thats ever-changing, and submitted that list to the Hornets management.

After a Monday meeting, word is that Paul never asked for a trade. I HIGHLY DOUBT that. He's friends with Wade/LeBron and just watched them get together on the same team. He then looked at his team and realized that ownership has already stated they wont pay luxury tax penalties (i.e. won't add any more good players). He sees that his options are to play the next two seasons in New Orleans where he won't see the conference finals, let alone the NBA Finals or try to get on another team, so that New Orleans can get back some talent for him.

I say trade him! He won't have any higher value than right now. He makes $14.5 million dollars and yet he won't be able to fill that stadium consistently. You might as well get some picks back, shed some salary and make your team more attractive to the potential suitor. Also, you have Darren Collision who showed last year, that he can fill in and play the PG role pretty well.

Once the season starts, too many variables begin to move. First of all, the demand for him could drop drastically. Not to mention, he could get hurt.

I know it seems like Paul is forcing his way out of town, but so what if he is? He's doing it at a time when its actually beneficial to the team. New Orleans probably won't ever be able to pay their players superstar money yet right now, they are set up to have some young talent that can grow. No it won't the Oklahoma type-talent and growth but its enough to contend for the playoffs. Which frankly, is their ceiling in the current landscape of the Western Conference.

Will they or won't they? Another decision in the making.

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