Saturday, March 22, 2008

March Madness Continues...

Man, the excitement of the 2008 NCAA Tournament has kicked into high gear. After a Thursday where there were only a couple of close games, Friday brought buzzer beaters, upsets and the general Cinderalla feeling we are accumstomed to.

Lets start in Tampa, where we had the anit-chalk day. All of the lower seeds won there, including two games that went into overtime. Drake and Connecticut both lost, which also effectively screwed my bracket. I couldn't predict the Drake game, because I haven't gotten the chance to see them play a lot. I could see Connecticut losing but they looked so well during the last month of the season. But losing AJ Price, definitely hurt them a lot.

The Drake game had it all though. Drake came back from a huge deficit to send the game into overtime. Man. Oh I can't wait for today. Michael Beasley plays again, and I have the chance to make up some ground in my brackets.

Tune in.....

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